I fell deeply in love with person of my dreams, felt sad to wake up.
- Another dream about a girl. Not the first and definitely not the last in this subreddit
- Dream about unknown girl who you fall in love with?
- I met the love of my life in a dream and lost her when I woke up
- Should I be concerned I'm dreaming things like this?
- I keep having dreams that I'm cheating on my husband
- Sex with Jack Sparrow?
- I dreamed that I cheated on my GF
- Reocurring dreams of an old crush. Thoughts?
Dreaming of Ex (that I've moved on from):
- I keep dreaming about my ex who broke up with me two years ago.
- I keep dreaming about an ex. Constantly.
- Dreamed about getting back together with my ex last night 6+ times.
Dreaming of diseased friend/relative:
- I keep dreaming about my close friend who died 2 weeks ago
- Ok redditors I know this is cheesy but your all I got to work with
Dream of killing someone: